Posted by Michael Almy ( on June 15, 2000 at 10:27:48:
I've had clusters since I was 14 and now I'm 31.
Until 1993 I had them anywher anytime and so-on. My wife
took a long time to adjust to my condition.
I go actually blind in my left eye after awhile and then
in my right eye from the single eye exhaustion.
I have taken over atleast 40 different drugs in my life.
My pain has ripped gurny staps, dented concrete walls, cracked
hard wood floors, broken windows, and much more.
Over the years I've come up with my own technic to find relief.
Since I was a child we also tried chiropatics,yoga,and some other things.
I combine Extreme focus and shut out all but that, combined with certain
movements until I find the right one to stay with. Imetrex has helpped in the past,
but I took it first in 1996, before was Ergotomine.Iin Germany working on the Munich Airport
my co-workers even called the ambulance thinking I was dying due to my focus and straight thought.
I took Lithium and verapamil and my Imetrex and I didn't want some Doctor
who didn't understand my medicine and condition. They were Totally amazed that after a while
I was able to get off the table say thanks and walk out the door and go back to work.
It does take a lot of focus before during and after, but I've had a half life time to learn it.
I now have lowered my Lithium and no more verapamil for one year since We came back to the US.
I do have small phantom sticks, but I have been extreme free since X-MAS of 1996.
That is a accomplishment for me.
Not to mention a relief for my family who learn to cope as they grew. Even my son learn what daddy had.
I always need about 1-2 gallons of water during a strike. And normally need a cool spot,
even if it means at 2:00am
I had to go naked on a marble floor in the basement.
I could go on for hous about my times, but thats another story. For those of you with long episodes.
My Longest was X-MAS of 1989
and lasted 13 hours, I was even well over my Egotomine
limit. I was so focused and solid that I put dents in a hard wood floor through the carpeting and
messed my hands up for awhile.
Swelling and pain and cracked but not truly broken. Even the doctor was surprised.
My German Doctor was the first to truly help me and I'll alwys continue to praise him,
for my next step would have been to try a surgery and I did'nt want that.
Thanks for listening Friends
Michael Almy