Posted by Linda B ( on July 23, 1999 at 12:22:00:
In Reply to: Sorry I have been so RUDE!!!! posted by Bernadette on July 23, 1999 at 10:52:21:
Dear Bernie,
You have not been RUDE. We totally understand. We are also happy you let us know how thing`s are going. I have never had a spinal tap, but I have heard about them. Wish I could of been there with you. After the second try I would have demanded they get someone in there that knew what the heck they where doing.
As for the doctor`s not telling you squat. Get on there butt`s. Demand to know. Ask them why are you taking this test? What do you hope to gaine by doing this to me? What was my test result`s? an dont tell me you dont know?
This happened to me. The doctor`s said they could not find my x-ray`s. I was really fed-up with this hospital. What I did was I went to the x-ray sation. Asked to see my x-ray. Then asked the women what it said on the note attached to my x-ray`s. It said negative. What made my blood boil if I could get to my record`s that easy you know the dang doc`s where not telling the truth. After this happened I just went in acted like I knew what I was doing. I alway`s got an answer. If I didnt like the answer I`d just go to the part of the hospital I knew had my test and TOLD them I need to see my test result`s NOW.
So far it still work`s.
See I got made first. Then I got result`s. Believe me when I say I got mad the whole hospital heard me. I also demanded another doctor. Told the first doctor what she could do with her so called MD Licenese.
Bernie let us know when you can how thing`s are going
Hug`s Linda