Posted by gary g ( on June 24, 1999 at 10:29:30:
picked up a few snatches in some of the msgs about the "wasting" effect of chronic pain
hadn't seen this brought up - probably missed it
recovery of physical & mental strength after clusters pass
My case:
will be 50 in a couple months this year
CH since age 21
early CH years weren't too bad, middle years were nearly nonsurvivable, last few years have been a bit better
best treatment: oxygen; backups: cafergot,percoset, benadryl
usual pattern: 2-4 months active clusters, followed by 2-12 months remission; primary Fall onset, secondary Spring onset
quit drinking 16 years ago,
quit smoking 6-7 years ago
Until the last couple years I felt like I always came back "good as new" fairly soon after a cluster
The last couple go-rounds seem different, especially current situation -
It's been 4 months since last attack, and I just can't "get back" - low energy most days, can only put in a couple hours of heavy physical work, feel really mentally vacant a lot (lots of of "DUH ?" moments)- -
minimal meds for months now:
occasional ibuprofen for overdoing it type aches & pains, St JWort, multivitamin, occasional hay fever med when the air gets really bad (people think of Maine as pristine - BALONEY - look at the weather maps - we're at the discharge end of the country's atmospheric sewer system - I suspect that MAY be part of my problem)
been doing all the "good stuff": walking a couple miles on days when I don't get much other exercise, decent eats, reasonable sleep, etc
Doc says all is OK, chuckles & gives me the "hey, 50 is right around the corner" routine
bullshit - my father is 80, and we're about par right now, and I DON'T like that one bit !!!!!!
any comments from you folks with some "time in" both CH and "middle age ?"
PS: to all you aspiring comedians + wiseacres -
I just remembered I mentioned my rocking chair in another recent post + can see it coming -
save your breath -
It's one of those big square jobs, like Kennedy's - and HE had plenty of energy, if you catch my drift - at least enough to make Clinton look like a sunday-school teacher, certainly......
so, have a ball -
< grin >