Posted by Dear Jack ( on December 03, 2001 at 02:05:36:
In Reply to: Clusters are vascular headaches posted by Jack on December 02, 2001 at 11:24:23:
that your voice will be lost in amongst the prevalence of the Medical Flat Earth Society.
We cure cluster headache sufferes that have a predominantly arterial component to their pain by ligation (turning into a dead end) of the said arteries (extra-cranial). Specifically one guy who we found through this site by the name of ANDRE VAN ZYL. Check out his testimonial at under the CLUSTER HEADACHE TESTIMONIAL SECTION - if you want to contact him direct check out the "Where we Live" section of on the right of the screen. Incedently DENNIS ROBERTON author of the second testimonial on our site, also found us through this site, but did not have a vascular component to his cluster pain, Dennis's majour contributing factor was muscle tension. His contact details are also in they "where we live" section.
But the folks on this site don't care much for us - we're too............. up front ...... or something
Love the anlogy about the HYPPOPOTYMOUS, I wonder If the big toes shows any changes during an attack... and more importantly if finding those changes in the big toe has any effect on pain relief. At the same time I have no intention of knocking Dr Goadsby's work even if I've been confrontational about his theories, medicine needs all the research it can get - and who-who knows, maybe he turns something up!?
The more I'm on this site the more I realize how much we don't know ... cure the odd cluster headache ... well, I don't know about that anymore .... cure the odd cluster headache sufferes pain ... yes we can.
Check out the CLUSTER HEADACHE section on our website too, you'll find a very similar theory to your own.
Ring the bells - The earth is round!
Sorry no, I don't suffer - I'm marketing scum with a conscience.
But don't give up hope ... they say that a new truth will only be accepted once its opponents die off. I can wait ....