Posted by Scott Hardy ( on November 25, 2001 at 11:26:28:
Hello everyone. It is 9am on a snowy morning in Calgary and I just got over one hell of a stab-session. I haven't been diagnosed with cluster headache yet but my condition is so symptomatic that it is difficult think it could be anything else. My MD is exhausting all the traditional pain relievers first, although they have done nothing for me. I return to him tomorrow and report on the latest prescription (indomethacin) and then get booked for a CAT scan. Here is my story...About 3 weeks ago, I was awakened in the middle of the night (2am to be exact) by a pain behind my right eye, about 1 or 2 inches in from my right temple. I thought it was just eye strain as I spent much time on the computer that day so I reluctantly popped 2 aspirin and tried to go back to sleep. Once I laid down, the pain seemed to get worse...then instantly, there was a hot poker pushing my eye out of its socket...I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to see if I could 'see' anything wrong with my eye...nothing. However, the veins near the right temple area of my head were pronounced and hurt to touch but then it also deadened the pain...I was confused as I never felt this type of pain before in my life. I sat up in a chair and shook my head vigorously back and forth while repeatedly whispering 'go away' while beating my head on the right side. I don't know if this did any good but I could not sit still...about an hour later (felt like years) the pain disappeared instantly...and I mean instantly...strangest thing. This continued to be a nightly ritual for the next week when my wife convinced me to go to the doctor. I was given the standard Tylenol 3's for pain...for the next week, same rituals, popping Tylenols with no effect at all. Went back to the MD who now gave me indomethacin...took one that night at bedtime and slept for 7 hours without waking. Excellent, problem solved - not quite. That was the ONLY night that no pain occured...was it the drug? Doubtful.I am now beginning the 4th week of this pain and am sorry to report that it is getting worse - occurs not only at 2am but also at 3am, 4am, 6am, 8am, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm...different times on different days...pure hell, than again I don't have to tell you that. I hope to be diagnosed with SOMETHING upon the scan results, at least then I'll know WHAT it is and what can be done, if anything. Does my experience sound familiar to any of you out there? It is not a normal headache...loud music, bright lights etc do NOT affect it! So scary, so painful...A question regarding trends to anyone out there. My grandfather (my father's father) had a tumour removed from his brain when he was in his mid-30's; does anyone else experiencing the pain I have described, have knowledge similar to this in their family?Thanks to all for reading, responding sympathizing etc...may you all have one good sleep soon...just one would be nice.