Posted by Shane on November 01, 2001 at 01:40:45:
Ok guys I really messed up. As you know I'm still not sure if I have Ch...but let me tell you about my terrible experience tonight.
I left work today and went to happy hour with the co-workers....I debated on having a drink then said what problems could one drink cause? I usually don't drink because it causes headaches...and these things really suck if your drunk or buzzing. Anyway so I decided to have one Jack and coke....hell I didn't get a headache last what harm would this cause? Well anyway I had my drink and left right after to go the the girl I have been dating for a month now. I started driving to her house and low and behold I felt a "shadow"....this progressed very quickly to a extreme headache. So I pulled over at a 7-11 and paced the store, got some water, and held out on taking any IB profen or whateva (doctor said to try this to see if it makes any difference). Well I tolerated the sob for 30 mins and finally faught it off. It sucked very I got back in the car and headed back to my girls there in 20 mins (she lives a good way from work). Well everything was headaches...sat down started watching the Stars Game (Go Dallas Stars!) and low and behold I felt a freaking I told Andrea that I needed to go to my car to grab some I was so scared because until today she knows nothing about my headaches...I had one attack while staying at her place and luckily she is a deep I went to her bathroom and held my head. Anyway the shadow is still messing with me so I come back up stair get a glass of water and continue like nothing happened. Man this fuxer is messing with me...It started up and I held if off for 15 minutes while on the couch with her. I was sweating very bad...but played it about some pain...I had my hand on my temple....but played it off like I was leaning against my head....thank god this one went away....but the strange thing is it shadowed away....I get this will go away...but stay in shadow mode for up to 30 mins which is very scary because I am just antisipating more pain.
Anyway the shadows went away and it was all good. So I decided to tell her the real reason why I went to the doctor yesterday....I told her about the headaches and she says tht I shouldn't be embarrased about it. Hell she said that she suffers from migraines here and hopefully everything will be ok. I just do not want her to see me doing my routine when I get my headaches.
Anyway I need to call the doctor tomorrow and see how the blood test turned out and schedule with a nuero.
Hope you guys have a good night....I hope I don't wake up with far yesterday was good....had 2 today and am crossing my fingers for no headaches tonight.