Posted by Lars on April 03, 1999 at 14:56:17:
Hi all,
it has been quite a time since I posted anything here since I was cluster-free
for some months now (except for some tiny clusters in this time).
Now they are back again and I get this feeling that they have grown in stength
this time. Almost seems like they went on a vacation to come back more powerfull.
When I got them for the first time in the beginning of 1997 they occured only once
per night somewhat in the middle of my sleep. (Diagnose was primary chronic)
Now they appear sometimes during the evening hours, sometimes in the early morning
and there seem to be 2 to 4 a day.
Has anyone else experienced this in his history of suffering from CH?
Right now I am spending a fortune on Imigran Inject (european version of Imitrex)
and my neighbors are probably quite annoyed by now for all the moaning, cursing
and headbanging by now.
There is another difference between the "old" and the "new" version of this
clusters: When I tried to use the same relief I used before, ice cold water running
over the head for some minutes, I nearly tore down the building because the pain went
up from a 9 1/2 on the scale to a 14 or more.
Right now it seems that holding the forehead (left side) and teple to the
hot surface of the heater in the living room seems to give some relief. But only for
as long as I can stand it before I get the feeling, that my skin gets blisters.......
I really am fed up with this §$@#! pain right now. Pacing thru the rooms in my appartement,
banging against the door frames and fearing to go to sleep makes it all unbearable right now.
Sometimes I wonder if I will be able to stand this for the next umpteen years of my life....
Thank you for letting me self-pity myself a bit....