Re: Eating Help`s CH or any HA`s?????

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Posted by Cathy on March 30, 1999 at 18:48:29:

In Reply to: Eating Help`s CH or any HA`s????? posted by Linda B on March 30, 1999 at 18:02:04:

I am responding to you as a teacher who has taught for 12 years. I am amazed at what they are trying to do to your son. I don't know about the eating and whether it helps CHs or not. But for a school to refuse him lunch is ridiculous! Number one---I sometimes get "regular" headaches when I "forget" to eat. Eating does help those HA. I would request a meeting with your son's teacher(s), the administrator and school nurse.
I don't know of any kids that have CH. I don't know if anyone that visits here knows of any???
If you do set up a meeting, arm yourself with a letter from the Dr. Also, is he on any medication for the CH? If so, the nurse should know about it. You need to inform these people about CHs and how they may affect your son. This also may lead to a discussion about any learning problems he may be having in the classroom as a result of the CHs. I am a Special Education teacher (Resource Room) and from what I know and have learned about CHs, I believe it is a true disability and any student that has this could possibly become "labled" as Other Heath Impaired (or something to that effect) or given a 504 plan, which is a plan for any person or any age for assistance, whether it be at school, in college or on the job. It is not a plan for people with severe mental disabilities. It is more for those people who kind of "fall in the crack" with something such as your son has. Another common disorder that students have that benefit from the 504 plan is Attention Deficit Disorder.

I don't want to scare you off or anything. I think you need to demand what's right for your son, but that may involve a meeting to explain your sons CHs.

If I can be of anymore help to you, feel free to e-mail me or post anytime.


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