Posted by NC Gator ( on March 01, 2001 at 06:44:01:
In Reply to: Fiorocet posted by Linda on February 27, 2001 at 14:15:37:
I've used just about every pain reliever out there from excedrin to morphine. The only one that REALLY works on mine is Zomig 5 mg. The new Imitrex 100 mg works some of the time. Zomig does it nearly 90% with little or no side effects. Certainly nothing like Fiorocet. If mine get real bad I have to go to the emergency room for a demerol/valium cocktail. I've had stadol inhalant before, that works some but I'm asleep for 3-4 hours after. Not an option for a single mother. Talk to your doctor and see if he can get you some Zomig. Most neurologist have samples that they can give you to see if they work. Good Luck.