Posted by Q ( on October 20, 2000 at 09:18:29:
My initial Psi-tx dose was on 9/16/00. A 2nd smaller dose was taken two weeks later (9/30) and a 3rd very small dose taken last week on 10/16. Initial dose stopped severe chronic attacks for two weeks (only 2 mild level 2-3 breakthroughs) requiring only coffee and oxygen to abort. See msg #63844. Second dose smaller than first, used to treat breakthrough CH attacks. Third dose smaller yet, used to treat increasing frequency and intensity of attacks. Conclusion re 2nd and 3rd dose was that these were too small to achieve psychic reconciliation. No drugs, other than the doses just mentioned, have been taken since one-month prior to the initial psi-tx dose nor since the initial psi-tx dose.
Update Results
Thursday and Friday saw level 4 attacks, which required Imitrex 50mg tablets to subdue. I chose the tablets as I was sailing offshore and did not have access to the oxygen generators. I attributed the attacks to the watch schedule involved in the offshore race (4 hrs on, 4 off). Saturday evening, while in port for layover, redosed with remaining supply which made for mild tea. No attacks Sunday or Monday, during return trip with same 4 on/off watch schedule. Monday night we arrived in port around 9 PM and I was at home, in bed about 1:30 AM (Tuesday). At 3 AM I was awakened with a level 8 CH-attack which required both oxygen and 1/3rd of an Imitrex injection (2 ml). Wednesday morning, 2:24 AM, awoke with level 7, which required oxygen and 1/3rd injection of Imitrex. Awoke again at 9AM with level 5, which chased away with coffee and oxygen. Thursday night, last night, left meeting at 9PM with emerging CH attack, level 4, and aborted with Imitrex NS and oxygen 30 minutes later to clear residual shadow. This morning, Friday, awoke with level 4-5, aborted with microwave coffee and oxygen.
Follow-up Plan
Will attempt to re-source supply and redose with larger quantity this weekend. Weather conditions seem right for late-season harvest.
I attribute the break in the cycle to the psi-tx and the return of the attacks to under-dosing of a severe chronic CH condition. Will attempt to redose with psi-shrooms and consider LSD should that fail. I still consider the psi-tx treatment a near miracle.