Posted by Tortuga on February 07, 1999 at 21:51:29:
Has the potential for CH ever
been linked (or specifically not linked)
to the presence of a virus.
An equivalent analogy would be shingles and its expression
in nerve tracts at later ages, remerging under certain
trigger conditions, like stress or external re-exposure to the virus.
Shingles can also cause similar symptoms of nuerlagia, but not quite
the way CH does. just an old nagging thought....
Maybe CH is measles way of coming home again,
laying dormant, like chicken-pox is to shingles. ??
And so what if it ain't no virus...what the hell is...
I am simply dumbfounded at times still..struck by the incredibly
short time period in which my headache-less days were
transformed into this shear lunacy, this misery at its best,
this life at its worst, and I thought I had seen it all already..
,,,this throbbing, pounding, burning pain out of control,
some gaddamn freaked out nervous system laid in waste...
for god sakes I am on Lithium now so things can't be going that great....
what has happened to my brain....? Why is it so freaked out?
Its harder and harder to remember what it felt like.....
...that is life without a headache...its been months at this now...
I wish I could remember, but I can't...
I just got this &^%$#@*& 24 hr headache....
Hoping you are pain free soon...Wondering when I'll see the same....
Sad to know you came here too....stay away from them clusterhead blues....