Lack of empathy/acceptance/understanding

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Posted by Rich on May 30, 1998 at 22:24:03:

I tend to take an Ayn Randian/self-sufficient ego approach to things; but experienced something today that really bothers me.

I've just started my month of cluster headaches--they hit me about once every two years. Since the last month of headaches, two years ago, I've moved to a new place and made new friends. I now find my desire to be friends with the two who are closest to me shaken due to what seems to be their refusal to accept what I'm experiencing as real--and not some need for attention or psychosomatic illness.

One friend told me that her doctor told her the cure for headaches, and it's a "three letter word...I-C-E". Several days later, after a really bad episode, she suggested that perhaps I got the headache because I was expecting to get one.

I copied info from this homepage and gave it to them and it hasn't seemed to make a difference. I feel as though they aren't accepting a crucial part of who I am. It REALLY insulting and frustrating.

I guess I wanted to vent a little. Feedback and empathy welcome...


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