Posted by Barbara D. on February 01, 1999 at 13:11:01:
I imagine we all go through some depression during a bout of CHs. My neuro has me on 50mg Zoloft per day to try to help combat this. But at 3 in the morning, when you butting your head against the wall and praying to die, there's not much that WILL help. This board has been a lifesaver for a lot of us. We can VENT here and know that everyone understands. This is very hard to explain to someone who hasn't suffered the pain of CH.
My family can't comprehend that I just want to be left alone and not touched. I don't want to talk, I just want to die. They can't understand that even when the pain is gone, I'm zapped and just want to be left alone. If that don't depress you I can't think of what will. Someday we'll get help,but until then thank goodness for D.J. and this board. BD