Posted by Tracy ( on June 21, 2000 at 09:55:59:
Hey Carl!
I haven't been here for a couple of days as I've been really sick. It got to the point where I wondered where the snot from the ch ended and the snot from my flu began! LOL
I have felt like death on a slow simmer.......but you know what? I STILL did my work. I have customers that rely on me and so I have to do the work or lose the business. Okay, I made a few more mistakes than usual...but I did the job.
I have had to fit the work around the flu AND the ch, but I DID THE JOB. That's what life's about.........COPING. As far as my customers were concerned, I never missed a beat!
I think that's what Drummer's trying to say, we COPE. We have to, if we want to pay the mortgage and put food on the table. Trev works, sure....but we need to do stuff to the house before it falls down around our ears (in fact some of the kitchen ceiling DID fall down a couple of weeks ago). That means I have to work too.
Oh, and before you say about shooting a quick jab of imitrex, et al ....I DON'T have ANY medication (well, except otc stuff), my doc won't give it to me. I have to cope on my own without ANY support (except for the guys here). I'm NO hero, like Drummer and the rest I just do what I gotta do.
So for Heavens sake.....just ONCE it would be nice to hear you say.....THANK YOU, I have had 2 pain free days.....THANK YOU for all your help guys in the past.......THANK YOU for giving me the disability money and the stuff that comes with it, I know it's not a lot but hey it's a start. I wish I could get $475 a month (before the other stuff you'll get too)for being a ch sufferer. Here, I can't even get my doctor to give me painkillers! I, and Trev and Bethany, may even be struck off his register because I got help and advice from another source! I still have that future "meeting" hanging over my head.
So PLEASE give OVER with the "poor me" whinging! We have ALL been there, some of us have that to go through, but we ALL SUFFER just as much as you Carl. You don't have the patent on suffering as far as ch goes.
I'm sorry if this sounds's not meant to, but I've tried to say this before more tactfully and you don't get the hint. You need to stand on your own two feet and getting motivated. If a little kid like Stephen can try to cope with this Godforsaken ailment, then I'm pretty sure that a fully grown man (even one suffering from depression) can do the same!
Take care and God bless,