Posted by Jackie on December 08, 1998 at 12:54:45:
In Reply to: episodic turning chronic? posted by tami on December 06, 1998 at 23:29:26:
I'm essentially having the same experience as you!
I've been episodic for 35 years (1 month every 2 or
3 years, like clockwork). This last episode started
in August, and seemed to be typical. It tapered off,
I had 2 headache-free weeks, then it started again.
But what I've been experiencing are not terrible
headaches, but mild to moderate dull aches. I
can usually abort these with 1 Advil. However,
last night, I had a severe headache, which Advil
couldn't touch, and I'm totally freaked out! This
has all been going on since August! I took a few
tapers of Prednisone, which helped the headaches,
but they came back when I ended the taper.
What kind of medication have you been taking, either
preventives or abortives? I'm curious. I'm
terrified that I'm "going chronic." In your case,
if you've having an erratic period, with fewer and
milder headaches, your episode may indeed be ending.
What is the typical length of your episodes, and
how often do you get them?