Posted by Q ( on March 05, 2000 at 23:25:26:
I've been in Central America for the past 10 days and not a single attack! The first two mornings I woke up and had one of those "gonna-be-attacks" but the strong coffee drove it away. I'm going to see if the CH-attacks return now that I'm back in Houston. If I make it to Friday, I will have broken this trend towards chronic-status that has been running since August. If I have the attacks I may just have to move to Belize for good. Internet access sucks there, as it is all based upon cellular-telephone and microwave (3rd world) hand-me downs. BUT if it means no more CH, then maybe that is what I need to do.
Just wanted to say I'm back and hope to read the messages over the past two weeks as soon as time allows.