Posted by Michele on September 23, 1998 at 21:30:11:
In Reply to: Women Sufferers posted by Penny on September 17, 1998 at 18:29:05:
Ahhh the joys of being a woman with clusters. I too have suffered them for many years and am entering month 10 of this current cycle. As for the belief that the headaches will diminish upon menopause I just have to share my experience. I underwent surgical menopause one year ago this week (to be exact) and my headaches have gotten much worse than I have ever experienced. I too have a history of migraine (since age 7) and I am now experiencing both headaches at once. Today I awoke headache free for the first time in 12 days...I had a migraine that just wouldn't quit and about 6 clusters a day on top of it. I hope this isn't discouraging to anyone but I sometimes have to wonder why doctors continually insist on blaming all medical problems of women on their hormones...maybe our wiring is just not built properly. That would seem to explain why both men and women get them. Just a thought!
Good luck