Posted by David Mc ( on August 26, 1999 at 13:55:16:
In Reply to: To Steve AND David posted by jen on August 26, 1999 at 12:32:50:
Thanks for your posting Jen. I'd really love to hear more about Bryan's techniques! The anger one is great! Though I tend to frame it as assertive behaviour because this gives you the most control, raw anger is useful but controlled anger is more powerful. The early years of CH had me in the role of 'victim', not a nice place to be. Bad for one's self-esteem etc and a increasingly difficult and narrow road to take. After one nasty time when thoughts of death lurked I decided to take aggressive action and look for inspiration where ever I could. I read this report about bullying in the work place where it used the term 'Target' and not victim, taking this to myself made a difference, as a target of CH I had options. I saw with a close friend how a chronic physical illness becomes second place to the mental and emotional damage that may be caused. I swore to myself that CH would remain a physical complaint and not escalate into a mental one. It's the keeping of these two closely knit worlds (the physical and the mental) separate that interests me. I do realise that this maybe impossible, but the act of trying accomplishes much. And the fact that there is that element of control over what's happening, as you say Bryan also finds, that is important. I could talk on for ages but I'll shut up now and hope others can relate their techniques for handling (not coping) with CH.
Best wishes
David Mc