Posted by karl w on August 03, 1998 at 11:45:11:
I just found the site this morning and have been posting to other messages madly. Thought I ought to introduce myself. I tried to sign the guestbook when I first got here but got locked-up for some reason and didn't dare try again until I had checked out some more of the site.
So many times I hear "oh-yeah I have migraines too" but we know it is different and I am delighted to have found you all.
I am a 43 y/o male light smoker, moderate to heavy drinker, slight stature. I have had c/h's for something over 20 years. For me the first 5 or so years was yearly 2-3 week episodes of relatively mild dailies. The last 15 years have been 1 to 2 year spacings of 4 to 6 week episodes 1 to 4 a day. My episodes usually start with a single headache triggered by alcohol (of course that is my last drink until the end of the episode). Generally it builds in a week or so to 3 to 4 a day, especially the demon(s) in the night. The crescendo generally goes for 2-3 week, then ebbs for another week or two. This episode started 7/25 and is hitting the crescendo soundly.
I fought the thing for years with only aspirin (until my ears rang and my nose bled). I have also tried the variety of prescription painpills, ergots, oxygen, prednisone, demerol in the e-room a time or two, and imitrex injection, pills and the nasal. I am having my best luck it seems with ibuprofen for the shadow, and injection when the beast appears. I have been pushing it a bit with the injections, up to 3 a day. So far this episode I have used 11 in 8 days. I don't feel any particular side effects, but you have to wonder.
Thanks to whomever is responsible for putting this page up and maintaining it. It's good to have a port in the storm.
karl w