Allergy and CH

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Posted by Allan ( on July 11, 1999 at 08:47:15:

I have just found this site today and I'm amazed and excited to find others who understand this.
It is extremely difficult to find any info about CH in Australia.
For some time now I have been interested in finding out if anyone has investigated a link between allergies and CH.

I have had CH for 11 years and they show no sign of going anywhere....

I usually have two episodes a year at the change of seasons - beginning of Autumn and Spring (Australia). Episodes begin with one single headache followed by another single one a week later. The frequency of the headaches increases until they occur daily, several times a day then they become status or constant. I have done the rounds of the Specialist Neurologists and the major hospitals. I have tried every medical treatment and then some. All with no success. The doctors tell me each treatment only works for 80% of patients.
I've tried every alternative treatment, had oral surgery, chiropractic manipulation, kept diet diaries and so on!
Because of the seasonal nature of my episodes (2 - 10 weeks long) I wonder if there may be an allergy link somewhere (I have had the usual allergy testing).
The only time I didn't have an episode at the expected time was when I took an extended holiday in the northern tropical and sub tropical parts of Australia.
Paul B's theory of the amount of light we get is interesting in this regard too, I'll follow that up also.

Has anyone else ever felt that allergy may play a role in all this? My Neurologist says, "Who knows, we know so little aboyt CH." Great bloody help they are.

I've just ended an 8 week episode that had me in hospital three times being pumped full of 150mg of Pethedine every 3.5 hrs. I've lost 13Kilograms. Now it takes me at least a week to recover. I feel like shit and I'm getting pissed off with th whole thing.

Does anyone have any thoughts?



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