Posted by Lars ( on July 09, 1999 at 20:27:48:
Since I am in a non-ending cycle for three long months now
( I guess they returned chronical, dang!) and being off
from work for as long (lucky me, I can not be fired...)
I realized, that my sleeping patterns seem to have changed
When the cycle started I didn't go to bed at my usual time
(around 11 pm) for I knew it would hit me about 90 minutes
after falling asleep. Probably wanted to lie to myself that they
would not hit me, if I go to bed later (bad idea, they did hit
me even harder when I was asleep).
Now I am really in a dilemma. Since I pushed the time to
go to bed even further because of the fear for an attack, I got
harder and harder attacks every time. Now I really feel paranoid
about going to bed because I picture them as a demon just
waiting for its chance to hit me.
My downtime now is roughly from 2:30 am to 9:00 am.
Sometimes it doesn't strike and I have an all-day shadow intense
enough to make me angry and distract me from things I want and
need to do.
Has anyone else experienced a shift in sleep-times during a cycle?
This really starts to get me down, I even have to take
naps during daytime because I am all exhausted (but never more then
60 minutes napping, since the demon will strike afterwards).
Trying to shift back seems impossible, since once I am in bed I start
to feel wide awake and I start biting my nails in fear from
the almost surely upcoming attack.
Anyone got a hint, how to get past this sleepong disorder?
Thank you for your time, I wish you painfree nights