Posted by dogsbody ( on July 01, 1999 at 14:52:09:
In Reply to: The last bout posted by Dogsbody on July 01, 1999 at 11:54:18:
I know you're laughing with me... keep laughing. A sense of humor helps! I've tried shag, pile and worn carpet, and - dang, would you know it - not one makes a single bit of difference. All quite useless!
Seriously, I did try one other thing. Since the effects are cicadian, I tried going to sleep later and later (I'm retired - deepest sympathy to those still having to keep a job down) to try to break the cycle. It doesn't work. The CH's still regularly returned in sequence 1-2 hrs AFTER falling asleep, and still 3 each night. While I stayed awake, however, they usually didn't start.