Posted by drummer ( on January 02, 19100 at 09:51:08:
I believe it was the philosopher, mathematician, Rene Descartes, (who wrote Discourse on Method), who said simply, "I think, therefore I am". He lived during the 17th century, so he is quite dead now. I don't believe that he is "thinking" anything right now except maybe, "I am not".
I didn’t anticipate such a lively discussion to ensue yesterday from my simple question about what a Cluster Headache might be. I am "tickled to death" though, that a lively discussion followed my question. After all, isn’t that one of the wonderful things that this message board is for?
I firmly believe in the "Socrates" approach to understanding and seeking knowledge. You know; ask a shit-load of questions. I believe that Socrates said to Plato once or twice; "Hey Plato, I’m going to ask you a shit-load of questions today". Of course, Socrates was a bit long winded and Plato was probably "tickled to death" when Socrates finally shut-up and drank the poison and died. Perhaps some people would like me to drink poison and die.
Of course, asking questions sometimes creates even more questions. Like with Donna’s response to my question from yesterday. She has brought up another interesting question. Are Cluster Headaches a symptom of something yet unknown? Sounds possible to me, although, I’m just an idiot.
Anyway, this made me start thinking of another really simple question. I just can’t help myself. I’ve always been really, really curious. But, you have to admit; I keep my questions simple.
My simple question today has to do with theoretical possibilities. Therefore, there is no "right" or "wrong" answer. Obviously, there can only be a "discussion". I have recently searched through the archives for "theory" type posts. I located four excellently written posts on possible theoretical cause/effect relationships into Cluster Headaches.
I will attempt to link them here so you can simply "click" on them and they should "open" in a "new window" for easy reading:
There is the the Candidiasis Theory. And the Myelin Sheath Theory. And the Virus Immune Theory. And, for lack of a better term, the gary g Theory. (Sorry gary, but I really like your posts). :-) I especially like the last line of gary’s post that I have linked back there. It says simply, this:
"to me, we'd make immense strides in figuring this out if we could just get together on the idea that this probably isn't as much a search for a single needle in a haystack, as it is a friggin' jigsaw puzzle where we don't have the box picture to show us exactly where the parts go".
I would simply suggest reading and "digesting" each post and their thoughtful responses and then perhaps we can determine the cause to Cluster Headaches. Because that is my simple question; what the hell do you think causes Cluster Headaches?
Thank you for your time.