I wont be a stranger and I nead adwise

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Posted by Yoke(joke) ( on January 30, 2002 at 10:42:35:

here is a conversation I had with my sister via Yahoo messenger and wonder what advise I will get from the experts that you all are in CH.
Joke ten Dam: ciao bella.Welcome back. Thanks for the postcard
my sister: what post card??
mysister: ciao a te pure... everything ok??
Joke ten Dam: a postcard from sardegnia
mysister: great... did the postcard arrive NOW!!!
Joke ten Dam: I am ok. It arrived yesterday
Joke ten Dam: I went to ask for unemploiment benifit today
Joke ten Dam: during the interwiev I had a smaal attack and was asked if I wanted to come back another day.I said no. I work am expekted to work and look for a job by Cadans my siknes and my unenploiment benifit people. So she said I neaded a quality interwew. She does not think it will be easy to find work.
Joke ten Dam: there is much less work now where I am working at the moment. This week I have had no work on monday and tuesday and only 3 huers on friday
Joke ten Dam: ok. Now to a very serios question. I am wondering if I should take a risk by stopping my medication a week befor the quality of work interwew so that they realize that it is vertually inpossible to find a employer that is willing to take me on if he knows of my disability. This means risking having severe attacks. At least now I know it is safe for me to use the injection.
Joke ten Dam: I have placed this question on http://www.clubs.nl/community/default.asp?club=clusterhoofdpijn and will see what reactions I get. Am I glutten for punishment or not. I can then put my name down for call up jobs at job centers.
mysister: I don't think it is necessary to stop the medication a week before you go to the interview... i think you are going through enough trouble and don't need to make things worse... you are now mamaging to keep things unbder controll... just go to the specialist and get him to write a certificate that explains your kind of sikness... and above all bring along the daily schedule your are keeping up... I am sure that this more than enough...
Joke ten Dam: That is a good idea I will email him but get someone on clusterhoofdpijn to correct it so the neurologist realy understands what I mean.
mysister: I am sure that the neurologist knows what to write down on the certificate...
Joke ten Dam: un fortunatly he made a few very big mistaks when cadans askt him. He said that I have no more than 1 attack a day He forgot to mention that it was 1 severe attack and meny smaal ons. He said I have them at night but I have them during the day. He said that the medication works well but forgot to say that I have to increes it to keep it this way. He forgot to mention that when this medication no longer works that there is infackt no other medication that I can take regularly. He forgot to mention that CH also causes severe concentration problems and speach problems. I latly recieved a copy of his letter to cadans where I saw this
mysister: change doctor... this means that the guy does not know what he is talking about... find another neurologist !!!
Joke ten Dam: He does know what he is talking about but forgot to chek my charts. He is one of 4 neuros in holland that specialise in CH
mysister: well then I would suggest you meeting him to show your chart so he can write out an acurate certificate...
Joke ten Dam: I have now got an overwieu of over a year with a grafic this should make it kleer to him
mysister: yes .. because it is obvious that a detailed and precise certificate is the best...
Joke ten Dam: All I want is them to understand is that I want to work but finding one will be extreemly difficult
mysister: well that is their job isn't it... shouldn't they find you the job??
Joke ten Dam: no I have to find it
mysister: When do you have to go to this quality interview
Joke ten Dam: 25 of february

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