Posted by DougL ( on December 17, 2001 at 18:28:09:
In Reply to: LET'S RENAME THIS THE WHINER BOARD !! posted by Doug on December 17, 2001 at 15:03:12:
Oh doug (sigh)
This board has just about everything in the world here. Hell It even has me.
I have done my share of whining and i'm shure countless others have alos.
Shoot I see you whining rite now because you want to re name this board the whining board.
Every one has differant needes a differant times. You may come here one day total pain free with lots of teckie info to share. Then the next week being Fucked in the eye by by the beast and need to whine to just one may be a whole group of people who only they understand your pain.
What im saying is that this board meetes the needs of everyone. Not just one.
You sent me a nice email about imitrex naisl. I thank you for that. Keep up the good work.