Posted by Randy ( on December 16, 2001 at 07:30:42:
I first came to this web site a few weeks ago. I recently had a nuero confirm my doctors diagnosis of CH. I was tired, in pain, scared and confused. I found alot of info (more than my doctor knew) here and was able to ask the right questions and answer the right questions. Most people around us don't really understand. I read every post going back months, just hoping to learn. To all who showed compassion, emailed me and wasn't demeaning, I thank you and respect you. How has this turned into a foul language, make fun of, disrepectful, coments about someone's mother, message board? I understand how you can feel bitter but lashing out at others? Friday, I was given some new meds and have slept two nights in a row for the first time in five weeks. I too have regretably said things to people I love that I regret and have apoligize for lately. Please remember all, how helpful this forum can be to especially new people. With love, gratitude and respect for all. PFDAN (I now understand that too!)