Ann, Good Idea's personified

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Posted by sailpappy ( on December 13, 2001 at 19:52:08:

In Reply to: Actually, Don...I was thinking more medication wise.. posted by Ann on December 13, 2001 at 18:15:50:

Hello Cluster Sister,
Look out here it comes, Old Pappy fixing to open up his big old opinion trap.
It's a great idea, In Naples where I live, after 14 years and countless trips to the ER they finially had an epifemy?
I have been suffering these cluster attacks 33 years and with ever in I wonder if this will finally be the last one, so after many trips to the ER for everything from Heart Attacks to trip from overdoing medications. the last trip when I was checking in the in ch list, I resented the fact that even though I've been here many times they still done'have a permanent list of my alergies, well they did develop a process for people like us. you register and then make a list of your allergies, place it in a pouch on your refrigerator so that when you call in the system automaticly alerts them and the firswt thing they do is find and read the contents of the pouch, which is a good thing conidering I might drive my wonderful wife away with all this needy stuff that has been going on lately. But a Cluster Headache Speciigic would do the righyt thing at the right time!! Pappy

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