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Posted by tommyD ( on December 02, 2001 at 09:26:21:

In Reply to: ER results` posted by Mike L on December 02, 2001 at 04:49:07:

That ER doc was very wise to apologize profusely and retract his statements about you. It sounds like he had committed libel -- he told a damaging untruth about about you, identifying you specifically, and he put it in writing and sent it to others. Depending on how much damage the untruth may have done, you could have sued him big time.

Remember, this works both ways. If you think a doctor is a quack, or incompetant, or simply made a mistake, DO NOT write a message about it in which you identify the doctor and post that message here, or anywhere, unless you are absolutely sure you can prove it in a court of law. And even then, think twice. In some instances making a damaging statement about someone's business can lead you to be sued for disparagement or unfair trade practices, even if what you said was true. All the plaintiff has to show is the statement damaged his/her business, and your intent was to damage the business. And you don't even have to mention the doctor's name to identify him. For example: if you say something bad about "a neurologist in Podunk, Missouri" and he is the only neurologist in Podunk, you have identified him/her.

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, I only play one on TV.


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