Posted by Jack ( on November 26, 2001 at 18:30:02:
I thought my mug would inspire more abuse :-)butI still love everybody,particularly Riccardo, who I had a child with many years ago in Naplesbut I still don't care for Drummer though :-)who has forsaken us all for a life of chastity andpious reflection while we, the chosen few, remain here unchastened, unrepentant and might I add,unwashed.PS - I really enjoyed your writing Paco but I suggest you keep your day job which I believe happens to be retirement.Margi continues to be a great person with wit and charmHub still annoys meBob P continues to be the salt of the cluster kingdomTodd is still very brightElaine continues to possess a large and generous spiritDJ's fortitude and strength and lack of self pity in the face of his serious illness amazes and inspires me. Equally impressive is the support he has received from youse guys and you know who you are.I still want Jonny in the fox hole next to meand finally All of the newbies are much superior to those who came before you here at You are better looking, more witty, more charming and you have much better hygeine, I am told.I think I may have misspelled hygiene and a few other words :-)