Posted by hedferst on November 12, 2001 at 12:17:40:
Hello Don, I just wanted to share some thoughts about your florida voting post..and to avoid the fiasco that has littered the board pre weekend let me state this is not a PERSONAL afront...I live in Palm Beach County (ground zero for the butterfly ballot fiasco)..and my thought..THANK GOD!!! As i recall...the democrats were in office when the Cole and our embassies in Africa were attacked and Clinton's response???next to nothing!..i guess he was too busy playing with cigars and interns in the oval office to protect the US...and my belief is that if he had actually done something of consequence..then i would have not had to mourn the loss of eight friends and associates in the days following sept 11...Now..if Gore had done something as fundamental as WIN HIS OWN STATE..then Florida would have been inconsequential to the election...And George W????..two words..Powell and Rumsfeld...I think in light of the events of the past 2 months...Floridians should be HONORED for butterfly ballots...interestingly enough, during clinton's last election..roughly 12% of the votes were thrown out in Palm Beach County...nobody complained then! having to had endure the wrath of the entire country post election..and george w's decisive actions following sept 11, and the wisdom to appoint two brilliant men to significant cabinate posts..i'd say things worked out just fine!...Time to restore US pride...funnel monies to the military..and squash these "evil doers"..uh george?...pick another term..i cringe when i hear that...Now Don...i don't want to spend time listing all the GREAT things Boston has done for the country..i did that a month back or so...and i don't mind if bostonians rest on their laurals from 230 years that last post i forgot to thank bostonians for that guy who shot his pregnant wife in their car and blamed on two afro american kids...:) please allow us floridians a little wiggle room...anthrax, teaching terrorists to fly, butterfly ballots, and shooting school teachers..we've had to endure much in the last year..but worst of all...we had to put up with the Reverend Jessie Jackson having rallies downtown west palm the week after the election..i STILL have nightmares from that one! LOL :) much suffering is enough?????? l0l...:)...G.