Posted by Tom in NYC on November 01, 2001 at 12:11:52:
Greetings all, I've been a CH sufferer now for about 11 years. I've been reading your bb now for about 5 years, but this is my first post. The headaches are back again after a 2 year absence, but this time they seem different: In the past they were always one-sided brain-eye-sinus (left or right)lasting about 2-3 hours. Now I awake 3-4 times per night, a lesser (intense) pain is there, my head/ear/eyes are "cloudy" or congested, almost like sinus pressure. I get up, and start nukeing a hot cup of Tea, as I shake the cloudy-ness out of my head (almost like regaining my equilibrium)the pain starts moving, right to center, center, center to left then left where it then fades, all within 15-20 min. This seems to happen whenever I lie down (in bed or even napping on the sofa)...the hot drink seems to "clear it up" without drugs or Ibu., until the process repeats 2-3 hours later. Also the pain is sharp but not "drive the spike into my temple" as it was in the past. Has anyone else experienced this? Would love any imput.