Posted by Flash on October 30, 2001 at 04:28:02:
In Reply to: I don't understand us.. posted by Shelley on October 29, 2001 at 13:29:16:
The Christian religion carries too much political weight over there - that's the problem.
Even the UK is starting to turn a bind eye to pot. You guys did that in the 70s with Carter. Why the fuck does everyone complain about that guy :)
You have people like Pat Buchanan that hold contradicting beliefs. The guy is both pro-life and pro-death. In other words if a black woman is raped and gets pregnant then she is not allowed to abort the baby, but it's OK to falsely execute that same baby 21 years later for a crime commited by someone else (probably white). Please note I brought skin colour into it because it strikes me that a person is proportionally more likely to be executed if they are black, especially if Mr Buchanan is the one flicking the switch.
Here in the UK we now have a leader of the opposition with similar personal beliefs. I don't want to start an argument on morals because I personnally don't believe it's a sin to kill another human being any more than it is to take any other life be it animal or plant. However I do believe that state organised execution is wrong, that's because the person being executed is unable to physically defend themselves against the state.
Now there is a danger that some people will flame me for my beliefs, they will hit back with hypothetical situations. I might as well point out in advance that nothing they can dredge up would present much of a dilema for me were it to come take place (twilight zone here I come).
Please believe me when I say that I'm not mad - it's just that I don't tow the line and prefer to work out my own moral viewpoint of what is and isn't acceptable from scratch.
The war on drugs is ridiculous. It is entirely perpretated by puritanicals intent on inflicting their will on the populace regardless of the cost. legalising all drugs would not cause social collapse. Those that are against drugs would be no more likely to take them. Joe Puritan does not steer away from crack because it is illegal! He will not become an addict because crack is made legal. What legalisation will do it:
1) Eliminate all forms of drug related crime.
2) Make junkies look and feel a whole lot better.
3) Eliminate the spread of HIV through infected needles.
4) Pump millions of pounds back into the regular economy.
5) Save billions of pounds spent on the war against drugs.
6) Help relieve third world debt.
A blind monkey with a marble up it's arse can see that this is the only realistic outcome. The problem we have in is that government is dominated by puritanical control freaks.
Well that's this months rant over with :)