Frustrated Chronic

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Posted by Missa on October 28, 2001 at 06:23:41:

okay, by the definitions listed earlier, I guess I'm not really a "chronic" yet, as I've only been having daily CH's since Feb. My neurologist tried everything he could think of, I also have MS, so he tried steroids too. He finally decided to send me to a more specialized neurologist. I've had my hopes up for the 2 1/2 months I had to wait to see this new doc. I saw him on Thurs. He agreed they are CH, suggested my doc up my Trileptal, take me off of Lithium (thank god!) and try some of the other triptans (?)
Stadol NS is the only thing that gives me relief during a headache, and I've been fighting with my doctor, Medicaid, and even my pharmacist over getting it. Medicaid will only pay for 5 vials a month, and I go through 10-11. At $94 a vial, that's pretty harsh for someone on SSDI! I brought up Stadol with the specialist. He didn't seem to have a problem with it, and even gave me a script because I told him I was out and couldn't get any until the next day. (I am allowed to get it every 3 days. I go through a bottle in 2, then have a hell day.
I just read a lot of really interesting stuff on pain medications at American Society for Action on Pain at
I would love to hear from anybody who may be out there who suffers from chronic ch's. Are there people who just live this way forever? I've been here for nine months. I've gone from a productive member of society, working with the severely mentally ill--helping them obtain govt asst., dr's visits, medications, etc. to myself being on Medicaid, SSDI, not able to drive due to a couple of incidents from head pains--relying on my husband to transport me anywhere. Stuck at home, isolated all day. Depressed, frustrated, and pissed off. Oh, to top it off, I have bronchitis right now, and have had for weeks. So, if anyone can offer some ideas, or relate to my situation, I would love to hear from you. I'm desperate.

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