For your Information you are misinformed ....As the majority of people are..

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Posted by Jackie L on October 27, 2001 at 08:07:22:

In Reply to: F.Y.I. It's a fact............... posted by Donna on October 26, 2001 at 23:01:03:

I think the problem is people who are UNEDUCATED and don't know what they are talking about...Kinda like your post...But that is my opinion..I for one used to share some of your opinion...But when pain get bad enough you LEARN THE TRUTH about the subject... Just a sad fact that many people who DON"T need the narcotics get them like they are candy from a candy store...BUT THE TRUE CHRONIC PAIN PATIENTS have to fight to get them...THAT IS WHAT IS SAD...

And the idea of having to raise doses ISN'T because of tolerance of that dose BUT WORSENING OF THE PAIN AND CONDITION CAUSING THE PAIN!!!

As for life being less enjoyable once you take a narcotic and stay on or go off!! ROFLMAO...SORRY that is also false...I would rather have some sort of pain control (pain other than a tooth ache ranked pain) then be a damn vegtable the rest of my life...WHAT WOULD YOU CHOOSE??? MY life is more enjoyable NOW then before...and NO I DON"T GET HIGH and ALL THE OTHER CRAP IT IS CALLED...TRUE PAIN EATS UP THAT FEELING THAT DRUG ADDICTS GET...Sorry I don't get that feeling ...Just less pain...

Yes I shared some of your views...BEFORE my doctor educated me... But the sad fact is people who aren't educated in chronic pain can give people the wrong impression of the whole process...THAT IS VERY SAD...I have learned through research on my own, through my doctor, through medical articles that have just been studied and sent to my doc etc... Most of the "norm" that people thing about narcotics is NOW being PROVEN FALSE!!! Just people are much less willing to learn the new info or believe it..Old habit are sometimes hard to change...

Just like people misunderstand CH...They also misunderand REAL chronic pain ....WHEN WILL THIS STOP!!!!

Dont' get me wrong MANY People do get addicted...BUT that doesn't mean that all addicts have chronic pain OR that all chronic pain people are addicts...Get the FACTS ....

Jackie L.

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