Posted by MikeB on October 25, 2001 at 03:44:48:
In Reply to: THE BEAST ARRIVED AGAIN posted by Jim R on October 25, 2001 at 03:09:42:
Sorry to hear your getting hit bro.
Keep on that 02, from what others have said, it should help. I had it, like ten years ago and it helped some.
I do not know about Duradrin...
As far as Vicodin and stuff like that. Well, the last doctor I saw (a MD), back when I briefly had an HMO insurance plan, kept prescribing me with different narcotics (He would not prescribe other CH meds or treatments or even a scrip for a Neuro guy). Anyway, he really tanked me up with narcos a couple of times and I took almost all of them. Being desperate, I would take almost anything. Was like taking three and four of them at a time before I threw away the rest of them.
None of my business bro, but be kind of careful of the Narcos, your right in not taking them too much because they really don't seem to help the CH's much anyway. At least for me. Just added more problems. Not trying to be pushy or nosy or anything. Guess, I am tired and not very tactful at the moment. I just have gone through that. And I got the same advice when I first arrived here on the board as well...
Try looking into getting some of the more traditional preventative and abortive meds or for the CH's or even some alternative ones. People here have some great suggestions that you may find will help you. (I have had some success with the shroom treatment myself) In fact, I do not take anything else for the CH's EXCEPT the shroom treatment for awhile now (twice so far). I think it helps quite a bit. And I hate tripping.
Anyway, Hope you get some PFT tonight. Hang tough and let us know what's up. We're here for you. Remember your gonna get some pain relief and some sleep eventually. So hang on bro. I know it's easier said than done but, you'll be alright.
Goodnight and good dreams when you do get to sleep... Gonna go try myself.
Lv, mikeB