Posted by Joe Thompson ( on October 08, 2001 at 19:32:14:
I suffered from severe clusters last three months
for three years straight. Here is what I did and it
I contacted a ND. He gave me the herbal formulas to
cleanse my colin (it all starts their) and liver
and kidneys. Then I went Vegan and drank tons of water.
I take daily doses of fever few and a mix of Calciun
magnesium plus B2. This has held the demons at bay.
I could feel then try to start up, but they would
vanish. I also went to a PT and got a home traction
kit, If you have any kind of neck relater problems, this can trigger or cause headaches. I hope that this
helps someone, Cuz the cluster headache was the worst
pain I have felt in my life.
God bless