Posted by MikeB ( on September 09, 2001 at 23:34:41:
Well, I hope everyne is doing ok.
I am aout of town aND VISITNG MY fiancee. I know eerone gets tired opf people whining about hteir CH's. But I hve just had a good one like a 9. I am rterribly emberassed and morified by this turn of events. Annette, my fiancee, and I have been back together for about two weeks and all wis well. I will be getting a promotin from work if all keeps goignw eell. Uness the CH's keep coming. Sigh.
Here is the thing. I can take the pain and the rest. I am so dan updset that Annette has seen me this wayt. I am feeling like so down and I hiope she will forgive ,me fior ruining a nice dinner that her mother cooked for evryne and for not standng tough and tasking it without letting them know... I had to go in the room and roll on the florr qwith a rag ove my face. It was prety bad but opnly lasted about an hour.
My fiancee has neve seen me have one, even htoug we werer together for nearly two years. GO fiugre, one cannot preduict what the goddamn CH's will do.
SO, I do not knoe why I am r\writing this. I just hope that this doesn not screw upo our relationship. I hope she can see that I am a good man and that the CH's are not me. I am just scared and emberassed. My job was going well adn I was getting my life back n oprder. Then the CH's nail me pt of the blue and I am scared. I am tired, from the last bout and I am hopng that I can nmot screw t his upo. I must w\go to work and I must make it throgut ths with no meds, ...
U\I guess U cnsider many of you my friend ands thought y'all might underetsand what I am feeling. I am real really depresed and hope Anntette can still love me. I don;t know. Just felt like writnig because I cannot hardly take it alone sometiems.. .
Sorry to whine. I sincerely hope all oare doijg ok and I hope that everyone has a PF night.
Love, Michealb