Posted by dr hoser ( on August 16, 2001 at 02:34:26:
before i was diagnosed as a clusterhead (about a month ago), they found me gooshing my head in the locker room at work. they (my fellow employees & employers) knew i was having these "migraines", but had never witnessed me having one. they probably believed i was being a wimp by disappearing for a while whenever i got an attack. maybe they still thought i was being a wimp-but now i was a demented scary wimp who hid in cool rooms with the lights off, bashing his head on a chair & sweating like a pig.
all i could manage to say, to the growing audience outside the door was "please leave the light off. i'll be ok in a bit. these things always pass.
a short while later my boss came in and said someone would drive me to emergency.
based on my past experiences of waiting for hours not to be taken seriously, i refused to go.
what an idiot.
it took me many more doctors visits, concealing the agony on buses and in waiting rooms, before my doctor gave up on migraine treatments and put me on the 3 month waiting list to see a nuerologist.
if you are having attacks you think could be ch or cph, GO TO EMERGENCY AND MAKE SURE THEY ARE AWARE OF THE SEVERITY OF YOUR PAIN! they have an on- call nuerologist who will make you a patient. no 3 months waiting list. don't be a dumb-shit like i was.
see you at the royal jubilee er.
ps. thanx bonnie