Posted by Carl D ( on August 07, 2001 at 05:03:23:
I have had an interesting week. Not sure what else to say.
The Ch's are back. Had 2 massive ones today, and alot of shadowing, along with my my jaws and neck driving me crazy. So many things have happened in the last few months and I have been under alot of pressure and stress.
A week ago, I had a massive nervous breakdown. I will not go into specifics, but lets just say with the help of some good friends, I am sorting through things and trying to refocus myself on the things that matter most in my life right now. I can 100% convinced that CH is stress - related, and am also beginning to believe that the head is merely suffering the symptom of something else gone wrong in the body. Not sure what that is, be it the heart or a flaw in the vascular system. Just seems strange that everytime I am put under alot of stress they come flooding in. Maybe if it is something in the brain, it is something that works overtime when things start stacking up. I'm not sure, but I know I have to approach everything in a different light now. I am just starting to get my life back, and I can't let this stop me again. To give up is to die, and I choose to live. Been a long hard week, but I am doing better. Now I just have to get the CHs back under control, and not allow any unnecessary pressure on me. I have people who need me right now, and I can't bail on them.
Carl D