Posted by Mike (B) ( on July 08, 2001 at 01:16:49:
In Reply to: Could it Be Clusters in my Son? posted by Melodi on July 07, 2001 at 14:53:38:
Hello again Melodi,
I was just reading through entries in the guest book and I thought I would tell you that there are many CH sufferers who say that their nightmare started as early as age 7/8/10 etc. And that was just the first page. There are thousands more entries that I have not looked at...
So, please please get a second opinion!
I do not like doctors very much at all because of things like this. For instance, I often get very bad chest pains that radiate down my arm and all of that (Classic symptoms of a heartache. I know because I have been involved in the medical profession before in my life). Anyway, the first time I went to the ER for help, I was about 23 or so. They told me that I was too young to have heart problems and that was that. Boy was I mad. This has been a recurring theme in my life. Every time I have become so scared about my chest pains and such and I have gone to the ER, thay have told me that I was too young or sometimes it was like they thought I was lying about it or whatever.
Anyway, now, I generally won't go to the ER unless my arm's falling off or there is like blood squirting everywhere or something. Actually, my x-fiancee used to get so mad at me because I often say I won't go to the ER unless they have to carry me in. It's because I do not want to go through the emberassment and humiliation of not being helped and looked at like I am a liar or something. I don't know.
At any rate. I am so sorry that your son is in pain. I think I can empathize with your situation even though I do not have any kids. (I wish I did)
I have had a step-son who was ten when I was married ages ago. I could not stand to watch a child hurt. Esp. if it was my child. I'd probably go kind of crazy.
You are a very good mother to be researching this on your own. I wish that other kids had as good a mom as he does. Never think it is a lack in your mothering skills or that it is your fault. Find a good doctor and stick with him! Tell them to do some research instead of just nodding and shaking their heads or whatever. Keep it up!
Sorry cannot help.
Peace and love, Michael B