Sorry I forgot to answer your questions, Mike. What sinus

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Posted by Charlie S ( on June 26, 2001 at 02:03:56:

In Reply to: BTW...I passed the cluster quiz posted by Mike R on June 26, 2001 at 01:21:39:

problems I've had during these headaches disappeared soon after they subsided. I had some nasty sinus problems as a child but today, it takes a cold or other virus to bring it on for any length of time. I don't think you'll find many of us that can say we have a lot of sinus problems between attacks. We all have had a kind of dull pain for awhile, and others have much more pain than I.

I know we all like to find a reason for these attacks. It's tempting to look for specific causes such as chemicals and other things. It's our nature to want to find something we can point to as the cause. Frankly, no one I know has really come up with a difinitive answer. Dr. Goadsby and others have some ideas that sound plausible, but they probably don't relate to allergies.

In short, this is one SOB of a syndrome and no one really knows all the answers. I'm 54 and the older I get, the more ridiculous life seems. It isn't well-defined, easy, or simple. As they say: shit happens. This damn thing is one big turd. Why we have stepped in it beats the hell out me. I'm damned sorry you passed that quiz. We have some good ideas here and others have more experience with the newer meds than I. Mine have been in a long remission, but lasted for 32 years. Mine were kind of ephemeral but just as nasty. You'll find lots of preventative and management ideas here. I hope you see a good neurologist who knows about clusters. Take a printout of items on the site when you see one. Don't worry about these guys. Neurology is rarely painful. Lots of boring tests and scary machines, but unless you let a neurosurgeon fool with you (something not to be taken lightly), this king of stuff is mostly boring and costly.

We're glad to have you but very sorry for the reason. Still, this is the place to be and just knowing that you're not unique can be helpful.

Take care and keep posting.

Charlie Strand

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