More Head Injury vs. CH

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Posted by Frank ( on June 19, 2001 at 12:54:27:

In Reply to: cluster posted by Debra on June 18, 2001 at 16:49:52:

I won't debate whether head injury can cause sudden development of clusters or migraines. However, I do know several people who have head injuries who complain of headaches that they did not have before.

Some of you have doubts that a head injury could cause headaches to develop. There are others who disagree whether alcohol and smoking are triggers or are not triggers.

I'll explain how I think it is possible that there is (could be) a relationship between CH and head injury...

In injuries like a simple blow to the head (e.g. hit with baseball bat or pipe), the injury is usually caused by bruising or bleeding on the brain's surface. This bruising or bleeding in turn causes swelling. If there is enough swelling, the resulting pressure compresses the brain and blood vessels, causing brain cells to

In more severe injuries (e.g. auto accidents, falls, roller coasters) the injury is sometimes caused by a direct blow to the head; but more commonly is caused by sudden de-acceleration and/or sudden changes in direction of movement.
Sudden de-acceleration and changes in direction of movement cause the brain to twist and turn, scraping the bumpy interior surface of the skull. The twisting and turning causes damage to the brain stem and thalmus as the brain's mass (about 3.5 pounds) stretches and pulls on them. Further damage can be caused by tearing of nerves, bleeding, and increased pressure from swelling.

Here's some fascinating reading on the subject:

How The Brain Is Hurt

Traumatic Brain Injury Biomechanics

Headaches (head injury related)

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