Hypothalamus Update - Kind of lame, but maybe it will spark something

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Posted by David ( on June 14, 2001 at 11:37:18:

Hi All,

After my post to get info on the subject, I find the following interesting...

As noted on ABC/GMA, they said the little "hypo" is the main circuit of the brain that could disrupt or short-circuit our bodies clock and control to cause CHA. As the size of a marble, it is amazing it has such power. When reading the scientific explanation of how it works, I find that we all experience the same effect from CHA, but our remedies to control them are different. This is not all strange, since this organ controls, vasodialation/constriction, optic senses, body timing, release and uptake of six hormones and a complicated array of nerve sensing. Each of us likely has a little different flaw or disruption in one of these areas, thus a certain drug works better on one than the other. In my case, prednesone and imitrex seem to work in the following, reduce the swelling of all the affected tissues, add certain structures to shock the hormone system and imitrex to constrict the arteries and add a mechanism to intervene with the cranial blood vessels. This is very summarized, but has some merit.

I guess what this might mean to some of you is knowledge! When you visit a CHA specialist you can at lease give them your symptoms and express an interest in this organ as a possible starting point of the CHA problem. It's NOT the total answer, since the CHA could be other physiological problems, but one that we could get out to the physicians/scientists who really know the "lingo".

hope this helps someone.


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