Thank you DickR

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Posted by Simon ( on May 18, 2001 at 04:13:51:

In Reply to: What is going on posted by DickR on May 17, 2001 at 20:31:44:

I had migraines, my sister has migraines, my brother had migraines, he now has ME. My grandmother had migraines.

They are all neurological conditions.

You are fourteen times more likely to be a clusterheads if you have a close relative with clusters. Something genetic there, which is currently being looked at in great detail by those in the know.

Genes, neurological conditions, overlaps. These are all interesting things. I want to know how they overlap. I don't want to know what Freda takes when she gets "one of her heads" but I do want to know whether clusters preclude migraine and vice versa.

Migraineurs go elsewhere if that is your only condition. But, quite bluntly, if you have clusters post away and ignore the hotheads.


(And by the way, Daniel. Please before posting again, read my e-mail and think.)

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