Posted by nini on April 09, 1999 at 09:06:30:
In Reply to: What will doctor do? posted by Tom Norling on April 09, 1999 at 08:37:20:
Your doctor should prescribe immediatley... at least SOMETHING!! I got vicodin right off, which at least alleviated the pain so we could experiment with new drugs. However, be prepared. You will suffer for a while, and become a lab rat for your doctor... unless you are lucky and find something that works right away. I find Fiorinal works for me. They will prescribe an Ergotamines (Imitrex, Migranal etc. ) which seem to work for most, but I have somewhat of a "crazy" side effect I get hyperactive and slightly neurotic... more than usual. good luck... and YELL if what they give you doesn't work!