Posted by Robbie DiFilippo on April 08, 1999 at 01:38:56:
I have to say my husbands CH are really slowing down now. He is back to work and life as we know it around our house is pretty normal. I know when he shut down I shut down i felt so helpless. But in reading some of the other messages, isee where some had Dr. who thought they had other things like allergies and so forth. Well same thing here i did not like his Dr. he kept saying you have a sinus infection. Well i'm no Dr. but sure knew that this was not a sinus infect. i knew because of the signs like last time. but know he is the Dr. and he knew best. Well the Dr. at the plant my husband works at knew what was wrong, he gave him oxygen and it worked somewhat,and finally he went to a neroilgist (sorry on the spelling)he finally gave him medrin, worked on the pain. But to sum this up I really think some of these Dr. around at least where we live better get a better understanding on these headaches, and to realize these are CH and to research alittle more. Thank you for letting me vent. R.DiFilippo