Is this a trick question?

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Posted by Dennis O'C ( on April 14, 2001 at 00:29:27:

In Reply to: Question: If you were with another cluster head and they went into an attack, what would you do to help them? posted by karen on April 12, 2001 at 07:50:35:

... i'll assume not.

I have two scenarios.
Scenario 1.
a. Grab my O2 tank (making sure the water is fresh in the hydrator) crank it up and and give em the mask.
b. Get them a Zomig (first asking if they have heart trouble) and tell them to chew it up.
c. get an icebag or bag of frozen peas or a wet towel with 6/7 ice cubes in it and put it where they can reach it.
d.offer to put on a taebo video if they want to exercize while suckin the O2.
e. Put a cup of coffee within their reach.
f. Get the hell outta the way and Pray for them.

Scenario 2

a. Say " I have a friend that get's Migraines"
b. Offer them an Extra strength Exedrin with a Jack Daniel's chaser.
c. Put Fluffy my cat on their lap and say "Just love on her and she'll make it better...but don't make any loud noises or sudden moves cause she kinda freaks"
d. Call in the guys throwin horseshoes out back and tell em "you gotta see this!"
e. If Lady Luck is shinin on us an a telemarketer calls...hand em the phone.
f. While their pacin...hand em the say "here make herself useful"
g. Engage them in a converstion to take their mind off the ya think Shakespeare meant by "to be or not to be"
h.Show em my "Magic Eye "coffee table book.
iiiiiii would then get the hell outta the way and Pray for them.

Good Grief

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