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Posted by Karla ( on April 13, 2001 at 16:26:13:

In Reply to: surgery posted by katrina on April 13, 2001 at 09:54:38:

Within the last year I have had two surgeries. I have had no problem. One was an emergency surgery so they had me on demerol injection, toradol injection and morphine iv before I went into the surgery so I was feeling no pain when I went under. I was in the hospital for a few days after the surgery and they kept me on morphine for awhile then tappered me off to percacet. I was sent home on that and told to take it pretty heavy for a month. Then ease back off as needed for my headaches. My second surgery was a hysterectomy. I went into a room, they put a mask over my face, I breathed in and was asleep through the whole surgery just fine. I woke up with a morphine iv drip on. I felt no pain. I was sent home two days latter on percacet. However the pain was great and I developed an infection so they gave me fentanyl patches. Those worked miricles. No pain, no shadows, no breakthoughs. Nice. I would say don't worry about befor or durring the surgery. Just communicate with the dr and surgeon and make sure they know your medicines and that if after the surgery you have a ha you may need to take some abortives. Make sure ahead of time when you meet with the anasteiologist that there wont be any drug interactions between your abortives and preventives and the meds they will have you on. Then find out if you can bring your own abortives with you into the hospital. Stress you will need the meds asap and not have time to wait to locate a dr, get orders written, get to a hospital phaarmacy and then get the meds brought back to you. It was for this reason the hospital made an exception for me and let me bring my own abortives in. Just a sugestion. Good luck.

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