Posted by Karla ( on April 12, 2001 at 11:01:46:
In Reply to: Question: If you were with another cluster head and they went into an attack, what would you do to help them? posted by karen on April 12, 2001 at 07:50:35:
I am chronic and he 15 years old and is eposodic. However, It is amazing at the similarities we have. Our pain and discomforts are almost identical. When he started having clusters I knew right away the signs and had it diagnosed before the neuro did. I knew to get the ice packs out and to offer things to help. Mostly tho he prefers to take the ice and hide. His teachers were trying to give him grief over frequent ha. I sent them straight. And explained his were not bad at all and they had better be happy I was not their student because I had not worked for the last year and was now collecting perminent disability due to the same condition. I explained the pain etc. They apologiged, offered to accomodate, and shut up. Bottom line. Due what ever you can for them that is within your limits that they want and ask of you.