Thanks, but...

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Posted by Dania ( on April 11, 2001 at 11:30:39:

In Reply to: Cycles posted by Jesse on April 11, 2001 at 10:58:15:

I cannot use vera because my blood tension is very low
About the neuros... Wow... the last who I saw 4 months ago, prescribed me a drug which has the effects to.. provocate headaches and another, which is a dilator vase and it produced me the worst pain in all my life
On the other hand she refused to read all 's articles( a few of them) which I had been translated with a lot of love to her( who doesn't speak or understand english) and she told me that I would never go to the internet searching information, because it produces stress on me and it would be bad for the headaches and ...( She is a complete stupid, you see)

Many years ago it was be terrible for me because I saw many doctors who diagnosed me of all kinds of illnes (even epilepsy) and all the meds they prescribed me, hurted me, my stomach and my life)
Finally I found one and a research group who diagnosed the cluster and indicates the meds I am taking( diclofenac, triptalon,prednisone at the beginning and O2), but it was in my natal country, and now I am living in other country
Ah... the last neuro I saw( who is the best in the city)refused to hear about imitrex or the other meds I had found on the net.
Do you understand me now
Thanks for all
Love Dania

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